Bryce and Bentley got in the action this time around.

My cousin Jeff, who lived with my family while growing up, is home from Germany. He is in the Army. He wrapped up his (I think) 3rd tour in Afghanistan about 2 months ago. Hopefully, he is done there.
For all who don't know, he is Nathan's best friend ,and well.... I guess that is how Nathan and I ended up together. I think he still gets weirded out with the whole thing but gees it's been 8 yrs already.
Tonight we went to dinner with his parents, grandma Sekula, his brother and sister-in-law. We had a great time. Learned something new. Plus it is always great to hear stories about your parents when they were young. Jeff's mom and my dad are brothers and sisters. She always has funny stories about my dad.
Bri likes to talk and play with him at a distance. Probably by the time he is having to leave is when she will be ready for him to hold her. I know she knows who he is but it is so far and between when she sees him. This is only his third time to see her. The first time she was 4 days old, then she was around 1 1/2 yrs young, and now that she is 2 1/2.
Well Bryce had a doctors appointment yesterday. It was super great news!!! He doesn't have to go back until August 12th. That is 3 weeks. We have been going every week since he has been diagnosis. He is so long that he is not on the growth chart anymore. Now we are just trying to get him as chunky as possible. He weighed 11.57lbs this visit. He gain like 58 grams in one week.
They ordered him to begin his annual lab and x-ray work. It was horrible watching them get blood from him. They poked him 3 different times. We will have all results back by Wed of next week. The doctor said "he is perfect!!!" Throat culture came back showing nothing is growing. I pray so hard every hour of the day that he stays healthy like this.
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